GISta Hungarorum

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Atlas for studying the History of Hungary. Hungary in the Habsburg Monarchy (1850–1869)

Download here.

Historical Geographical Atlas of Hungary for the Regional Analysis of Socio-Economic Phenomena (1869–1910)

Download here. The title of the maps can be find in the attached xls file.

Interactive demo atlas for Hungary

For everyday users not accustomed to GIS-technologies a bilingual collection of interactive maps (cca. 80) was created from the basic variables recorded in the database by the Kollányi brothers using their AtlasBuilder ( in order to demonstrate the main project results. Enlarge maps and identify settlements with their data. Click here to download the GISta Hungarorum demo atlas.

Atlas for studying the History of Croatia (1870–1910)

Download here.

A Historical Geographical Atlas of Hungary for the Analysis of Socio-economic Phenomena (1869–1910)

Download here.

From GIS-Maps to a historical Animation. Railway Transport in Hungary (1914–1915)

In the first year of the war Hungarian railways were controlled by army officers and not by railwaymen. It is easy to imagine the tension that was created between the army and the railways by this situation, and this tension kept increasing in parallel with the growing death toll, and the food-shortages. Senior level officials at the railways were convinced that they would be better and more efficient at managing the railways during the war. They could have provided better and more efficient service for the army and for civilians too.

The conflict between the army and the railways escalated to such a degree in 1916 that it led the Hungarian state railways to release a very unusual document. This document detailed exclusively the various instances of restricting civilian traffic in the first year of the war with the specific data, location and the reason for the restriction. The document contains lists and provides some sort of factual information concerning every single day.

This presentation is centred around this particular document. I projected the data from the document onto maps then I prepared a short animation from these maps.

In the first step I created an Excel file containing the data from the document. It is needless to describe the process in detail; the task took me two days to complete. Secondly, a digitalized base railway map of Hungary had to be created. In the next step, I connected the Excel file with the digitalized base map, and I prepared the maps. A map was made of almost every single day of the war’s first year. Finally, I collacted the maps into a single animation.

Before playing the animation, I would like to present some relevant data that will facilitate understanding. In the first year of the war one million seven hundred tousands trains ran on Hungary’s railway lines. Out of these 261 thousands were owned by the military.

About the animation

I used a colour-coding with four different colours on the map. • On the railway lines that are marked green there is no civilian goods traffic. • On the red railway lines there is military traffic exclusively and no civilian traffic whatsoever. • I marked those towns with a blue circle in the direct vicinity of which traffic congestions occurred. • Railway lines marked with a purple square are used by the military for parking. Obviously, there is no civilian traffic on these lines, since there can not be.

To sum up: the green, red and purple denotes how military measures restricted the civilian traffic. The blue circles show the unwanted consequences of the military measures in the civil life.

The animation can be played back with VLC (or any H.264 capable) media player. More information:

Zsuzsa Frisnyák, 2019

Click here to download the animation.

Changes in the organization of the space between the 8th and 16th century in Hungary (Beta version)

The goal of the project was to investigate the organization of central spaces – settlement network, population dynamics, central places and resource exploited – and the origin of settlement names in the Carpathian Basin from the Late Avar Period to the Ottoman Conquest. For this purpose indicative settlement names from various written archival sources were collected, processed and visualized on maps together with archaeological findings.

The database is still incomplete, new sources are being processed and the mistakes in the processed database are under correction.

Database: F. Romhányi, Beatrix (Károli Gáspár University)

GIS: Németh, Gábor (University of Debrecen); Gyula, Gergő (web-programming)

The project was financed by the HAS „Lendület” Hungary in the Medieval Europe project (principal investigator – Dr. Attila Bárány, University of Debrecen) and project NKFIH FK 128 978 (Knowledge, Landscape, Nation and Empire – principal investigator: Gábor Demeter).

The visualized database is available at: